Epson EL 4S/33+
2MB or 4MB RAM standard on SIMMs;
expandable to 16MB (maximum) using
256KB, 1MB, and 4MB SIMMs; SIMMs
must be 30-pin, 8-bit or 9-bit, fast-page
mode type with access speed of 70ns or
faster (preferably tin-plated)
EL 4S/33+ Components
The following diagrams illustrate the outside of the
EL 4S/33+ system.
64KB system BIOS and SETUP code
located in EPROM on main system board;
32KB video BIOS located in EPROM on
main system board
Video RAM
256KB DRAM on main system board;
expandable to 512KB or 1024KB using
70ns or 80ns 44256 DIP chips
Shadow RAM
32KB or 64KB, 0 or 1 wait state access
speed; system ROM BIOS and video ROM
can be copied into RAM
Supports relocation of 256KB of memory
from A0000h to BFFFFh and D0000h to
EFFFFh to extended memory
Internal cache
1KB built into microprocessor
Optional Cx83S87-33 coprocessor
Real-time clock, calendar, and CMOS
RAM socketed on main system board with
built-in battery backup
Trident® VGA controller on main system
board; provides standard VGA resolutions
with 256KB memory and extended VGA
resolutions up to 1024 x 768 in 16 colors
with 512KB memory and 256 colors with
1MB memory
Controller on main system board supports
up to two diskette drives
power inlet
AC outlet
Hard disk
Interface on main system board supports
up to two IDE hard disk drives with
built-in controllers; BIOS provides hard
disk auto-sensing function
Computer Specifications
CPU and Memory
Cyrix® or Texas Instruments® 486SLC,
33 MHz microprocessor with 16-bit data
32-bit CPU
VGA interface for analog monitor built
into system board; 15-pin, D-shell
Fast and slow speeds available; fast speed
is 33 MHZ, slow speed is 8 MHz; speed
selection through SETUP program and
keyboard commands; zero wait state
memory access at fast speed; 0 or 1 wait
state memory access selectable through
System speed
One standard 8-bit parallel, bidirectional
interface built into main system board;
25-pin, D-shell connector
Two RS-232C, programmable,
asynchronous interfaces built into main
system board; 9-pin, D-shell connectors
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 1
Epson EL 4S/33+
Major Subassemblies
System Board Components
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 3
Epson EL 4S/33+
System board components and connectors
Jumper Settings
Use J10 with the built-in VGA adapter only. When J10 is ON, 1024 x 768
mode is interlaced and 800
600 mode
refreshes at 56Hz. When J1O is
OFF, 1024 x 768 is non-interlaced and refresh at 60Hz; 800 x 600
refreshes at 72Hz. (VG 460 x 480 refreshes
at 60 Hz regardless of the J10
“‘You can use MS-DOS to automatically reassign parallel and serial ports.
Check your MS-DOS manual for more information.
SIMM Installation
Your computer comes with 2MB or 4MB of memory on
SIMMs. You can increase the memory up to 16MB by
installing 256KB, 1MB, or 4MB SIMMs in the computer’s four
SIMM sockets. The following table shows the possible SIMM
configurations; do not install memory in any other
SIMM configuration
Use only 30-pin, fast-page mode SIMMs (preferably
tin-plated) that operate at an access speed of 70ns
(nanoseconds) or faster. Be sure all the SIMMs operate at the
same speed.
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 4
Epson EL 4S/33+
Hard disk drive types
Video Memory
The computer comes with 256KB of video memory. You can
increase the video memory to 512KB or 1024KB by installing
20-pin, 70ns or 80ns, 44256 DIP (Dual Inline Package) chips.
For the memory to work properly, you must install one chip
in each socket.
Video memory chip configuration
* Standard video memory
Resolutions and colors
Math Coprocessor Upgrade
You can enhance your system’s performance for some
applications by installing a Cx83S87-33 math coprocessor.
Hard Disk Drive Types
The computer comes with a hard disk auto-sensing feature.
When you select AUTO DETECT 1 or 2 for your hard disk
type in SETUP, the system detects the type of hard disk drive
you have installed when you boot and fills in the drive
information using values in the following table.
Some older or preformated drives do not support the
auto-sensing feature. If the parame ters displayed do not
match the parameter of your hard disk drive, you can define
your own drive type in SETUP.
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 5
Epson EL 4S/33+
Standard diskette drive specifications
Drive Option Information
DMA Assignments
Assigned device
Reserved (8-bit)
Reserved (8-bit)
FDD controller (8-bit)
Reserved (8-bit)
Cascade for DMA controller 1
Reserved (16-bit)
Reserved (16-bit)
Reserved (16-bit)
Hardware Interrupts
IRQ no.
Timer output
Cascade from IRQ controller 2
Serial port 2
Serial port 1
Parallel port 2
FDD controller
Epson EL 4-S/33+ - 6
Epson EL 4S/33+
System l/O Address Map
System Memory Map
System BIOS ROM: 64KB
Dupliated from 0F0000h
Reserved for system board: 64KB
Duplicated from 0E0000h
16MB (Maximum
system memory)
Extended memory
System BlOS ROM: 64KB
Default Shadow RAM duplicated at FF0000h
Unused or l/O expansion ROM 160KB
Reserved for ROM on I/O adapters
Default shadow RAM
VGA text
(color): 32KB
Unused or VGA text
(monochrome): 32KB
Video memory: 64KB
Reserved for graphics display buffer
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 7
Epson EL 4S/33+
Hard disk drive connector pin assignments (J38)
Connector Pin Assignments
Parallel port connector pin assignments (CN3)
*Active low logic
Serial port connector pin assignments (CN4 and CN5)
*Active low logic
Speaker connector pin assignments (J34)
Optional game port connector pin assignments
Optional game port interface pin assignments (J1)
Option card riser board connector pin assignments (S1)
VGA port connector pin assignments (CN2)
Power supply connector pin assignments (CN8)
Diskette drive connector pin assignments (J42)*
*All odd=numbered pins are grounds
Epson EL4S/33+ - 8
Epson EL 4S/33+
Option card riser hard connector pin assignments (S1) (continued)
SIMM sockets (RAM1, RAM2, RAM3, RAM4)
*Active low logic
Use only 30-pin, 8-bit or 9-bit, fast-page mode SIMMs
(preferably tin-plated) that operate at an access speed of 70ns
(nanoseconds) or faster. SIMMs must operate at the same
Installation/Support Tips
Installing Diskette Drives
Make sure that the drive type has been correctly selected in
the SETUP program.
Installing Hard Disk Drives
When installing a hard disk drive, see the hard disk drive
type tables on pages 5 and 6 and use the auto-sensing
feature in SETUP to select the correct type number for the
drive. If the auto-sensing feature does not produce a
match for the drive, you can define your own drive type
by selecting User Def
or 2 as the type and entering
the drive’s exact parameters.
*Active low logic
It is recommended that a 16-bit, AT-type hard disk
controller be used if you are installing a drive that cannot
use the embedded IDE interface. If you install a non-IDE
hard disk drive and controller card, you need to disable
the built-in IDE hard disk drive interface by moving
jumpers J21 and J30 to position 2-3.
If you plan to install two hard disk drives in the internal
bays, you must use flat-head screws (#6-32UNC x 8
FH,M,+) to secure the top drive to the mounting bracket.
If you are installing an ESDI hard disk drive, make sure
you disable the built-in IDE hard disk drive interface by
moving jumpers J21 and J30 to position 2-3. Also be sure
to remove the hard disk drive ribbon connector from the
system board.
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 9
Epson EL 4S/33+
Software Problems
Information Reference List
When installing a copy-protected software package, first
try the installation at high speed. If this does not work
properly, select low speed by pressing the Ctrl and Alt
keys and the - key on the numeric keypad
Engineering Change Notices
simultaneously. Try loading the program at low speed
and then switching to high speed, if possible.
Technical Information Bulletins
When using a software package that uses a key disk as its
copy-protection method, try loading it at high speed. If
this does not work, load it at low speed.
Product Support Bulletins
Installing Option Cards
Related Documentation
Although the EL 4S/33+ will support most full-length
option cards, option cards with an I/F connector on the
back may not fit into the option slot.
Epson EL 3S/33 and 4S/33 Service Manual
Epson EL 4S/33+ Service Manual Addendum
Epson EL 4S/33+ Parts Price List
Make sum the power requirements of the option cards
you install do not exceed the power supply limitations.
Epson EL 4S/33+ User’s Guide
If the computer locks up, the power supply may be
overloaded. On a system with three or more option cards,
the installation of a second hard disk drive may overload
the power supply.
If you are installing a video adapter card, make sure you
disable the built-in VGA by changing jumpers J7, J8, and
J9 to the Off position.
COM Port Assignment
If you want to assign COM1 as COM3, you must set jumper
J24 to position 2-3. If you want to assign COM2 as COM4,
you must set jumper J26 to position 2-3.
System Problems
Do not attempt to install OS/2, version 2.1, from
Do not use this computer as a server in a multi-LAN
When using SCO UNIX, the CMOS settings may be lost
when you boot the system. Also, keyboard input is not
accepted unless the Cyrix cache is disabled or the slow
refresh is set.
You cannot use an external hard disk drive with this
When an extended memory test is run on QAFE, the
system hangs. This is a problem with the way QAFE
handles Cyrix memory.
Epson EL 4S/33+ - 10
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